Beaver Ave. Closes, 34th St. Re-opens

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Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Beaver Avenue Closes, 34th Street Re-opens

Beaver Avenue looking southeast at Witmer Parkway, August 3, 2022

BEAVERDALE, IOWA - August 3, 2022

It's both a little tougher and a little easier to get around in northwest Des Moines today.  The city closed Beaver Avenue  to through traffic between 41st Street by Snookies to Forest Avenue.  At the same time, 34th Street near Witmer Park has been re-opened following a long closure.

Both are part of the Closes Creek Stormwater project - a major and expensive effort by the city of Des Moines to ease flooding following heavy rain storms.

Beaver Avenue is blocked between Witmer Parkway and Clark Street.  Project manager Matt Radermacher says crews punched a new pipe under Beaver Avenue but now they need to tear out the existing intakes on both sides of the street and construct new ones.  Local traffic can still get to homes and businesses on Beaver on either side of the closure, but there's no through traffic.  Detour signs are posted.

Although north-south traffic will be impeded for about a month, things got a little easier on 34th Street near Witmer Park, which has been closed for sewer work since last fall.  The street is now open to all traffic.

34th Street looking north near Witmer Park, August 3, 2022

Franklin Avenue continues to be closed between Beaver Avenue and 48th Street due to installation of new storm water sewers.

Updates on the Closes Creek project are available here.

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