Beaver Avenue to Close for a Month

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Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Beaver Avenue to Close for a Month

Starting Wednesday, August 3, 2022, Beaver Avenue will be closed for a month between 41st Street and Forest Avenue. Through traffic will be blocked at both ends of the angled part of Beaver, but city officials say local traffic will be able to access their homes and Price Chopper.


It's all part of the Closes Creek stormwater improvement project.  Project Manager Matt Rademacher says work crews drilled new pipes under Beaver Avenue near Witmer Park, but now they need to close the roadway to rip out the existing intakes for those pipes and construct new ones on either side of Beaver.  Beaver will be closed to all traffic between Clark Street and Witmer Parkway.  There will be access to homes and businesses on either side of the closure by coming in from Forest Avenue or 41st Street by Snookies.  

A lighted sign telling motorists of the closure has been place on both ends of the planned closure.  Rademacher says the closure is scheduled for a month but he hopes the work will be completed sooner than that.

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