BNA Board minutes 4-4-24

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Saturday, May 25, 2024

Board of Directors Minutes

April 4, 2024

Location: Fishman Law Firm


In attendance:

Officers: President Dave Busiek, Vice President Nick Mertes, Treasurer Jay Cox-Kozel, Secretary Craig VandeVenter

Board: Eddie Fishman, Josh Nelson, Missy Reams, Chris Friest, Kylie Spies, Jesse Coleman, Derek Self, Kylie Spies, Therese Herold

Guests: Kevin Moser (BNA member)


I. Call to Order at 7:00 p.m. – Dave

II. Approval of Agenda: Motion carried with one update, Kylie Spies to discuss and present data from neighborhood membership survey.

III. Approval of March meeting minutes: Motion carried with one minor attendance revision.

IV. Treasurer’s Report and monthly financials – Jay

a. Review and approval of March financials: Motion carried.

b. April financials to be discussed and reviewed during May’s board meeting.

V. Public Comment

a. None.

VI. Bluegrass Festival Update – Eddie

a. Discussed updates on permits and zoning requirements for 2024.

b. Seeking community volunteers to assist with day of operation of event, 7/20/2024. i. 2024 Beaverdale Bluegrass Festival Facebook Event

c. Incoming sponsorship funding on track with budget and goals.

i. Continuing efforts for sponsorship funding.

VII. BNA Scholarship Update – Craig

a. Development of scholarship program requirements continues.

VIII. Website and Social Media Updates – Josh and Kevin

a. Discussed website beta testing, development, and resident membership portal.

i. Compliant with custom authentication and Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, & Conformance (DMARC).

b. Discussed costs associated with product licensing and future service provider expenses: Motion carried.

c. Discussed governance of BNA social media accounts.

i. Rules and acknowledgment of responsible parties and guidelines for posting content on accounts.

IX. Public Affairs – Josh and Kevin

a. Discussed attendance and reception of Easter Egg Hunt.

b. Discussed Beaverdale Big Event and Trail Cleanup.

i. Community-focused drives, events, and volunteer opportunities to benefit and give back to the neighborhood, 5/18/2024 to 6/8/2024.

ii. Provide funds to support Moore Elementary event: Motion carried. iii. 2024 Beaverdale Big Event Website

c. Discussed $500 moved ad in Sidewalk Newsletter: Motion carried.

X. Quarterly Resident Meeting, 5/7/2024 at 7:00 p.m. – Dave

a. Requests from political candidates to present.

i. Amend prior resolution to prohibit candidates and electioneering at quarterly meetings, candidates may address the Board of Directors at monthly meeting: Motion carried.

b. Discussed partnership between BNA and LBNA for political candidate forum.

i. Solicit written responses from candidates for forum: Motion carried.

XI. Neighborhood Membership Survey – Kylie

a. Discussed and reviewed data from neighborhood membership survey.

b. Discussed presentation of data at Quarterly Resident Meeting.

c. Outline of presentation and interactive exhibits to be discussed and reviewed during May’s board meeting.

XII. Acanthus Lodge Cellphone Tower – Dave

a. Discussed upcoming neighborhood meeting and proposal to construct 150-foot-tall monopole tower in the Lodge’s parking lot.

b. Neighborhood meeting at the Acanthus Lodge on 4/10/2024.

XIII. Jack Ardick – sign maker retires – Dave

XIV. Meeting adjourned at 8:14 p.m.

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