BNA Board minutes 5-2-24

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Monday, June 10, 2024

Board of Directors Minutes

May 2, 2024

Location: Fishman Law Firm


In attendance:

Officers: President Dave Busiek, Vice President Nick Mertes, Treasurer Jay Cox-Kozel, Secretary Craig VandeVenter

Board: Eddie Fishman, Missy Reams, Chris Friest, Kylie Spies, Jesse Coleman

Guests: Kevin Moser (BNA member)


  1. Call to Order at 7:02 p.m. – Dave
  2. Approval of Agenda: Motion carried. – Dave
  • Approval of April meeting minutes: Motion carried. – Dave
  1. Treasurer’s Report and monthly financials – Jay
    1. Review and approval of April financials: Motion carried.
    2. May financials to be discussed and reviewed during June’s board meeting.
  2. Public Comment
  3. Quarterly Resident Meeting Preview – Dave, Kylie, Kevin
    1. Next Quarterly Resident Meeting: 5/7/2024
    2. Discussed and revisited data from neighborhood membership survey.
    3. Discussed presentation of data from neighborhood membership survey at Quarterly Resident Meeting.
    4. Discussed outline of neighborhood membership survey data, interactive exhibits for presentation, and strategic planning funding.
    5. Review of outcomes of residents’ feedback following presentation of neighborhood membership survey data during June Board Meeting.
    6. Discussed upcoming Beaverdale Big Event and various drives and beneficiaries of community service.
    7. Discussed sponsorship funding, website for Big Event., and associated volunteer opportunities.
  • Bluegrass Festival Update – Eddie
    1. Review and approval of Des Moines Water Works land use agreement and fee associated with Tower Park rental for Bluegrass Festival: Motion carried.
    2. Discussed alternative festival locations and permitting for future consideration.
    3. Revisited 2024 festival financials:
      1. Sponsorships and funding, tips to bolster BNA Scholarship Initiative, cashless point of sale systems.
    4. Seeking community volunteers to assist with day of operation of event, 7/20/2024.
      1. 2024 Beaverdale Bluegrass Festival Facebook Event
  • Public Affairs events update – June events/MegaScrub
    1. Upcoming Beaverdale Big Event and Trail Cleanup events on track, planning proceeding as planned.
    2. Community-focused drives, events, and volunteer opportunities to benefit and give back to the neighborhood, 5/18/2024 to 6/8/2024.
    3. 2024 Beaverdale Big Event Website
  1. BNA Scholarship Update – Craig
    1. Revisited scholarship requirements and procedures for delivering awards to recipients.
    2. Discussed future development of additional revenue streams to increase funding and awards to recipients.
  2. Other Business – Dave
    1. Cell phone tower update:
      1. City Board of Adjustment approved construction, City of DSM requested tower placed further to the South, closer to the Northside of the Acanthus Lodge. Otherwise approved as originally planned.
    2. Candidate policy:
      1. Revisited presentations from candidates (Mayor/Ward 1), tabled.
      2. Block party trailer: City of Des Moines’s Block Party Trailer approved, Motion carried to donate $600 to the cause.
    3. Yard signs: Revisited Jack Ardick retirement, new Board of Director to assist w sourcing and ordering of yard signs. Jesse C. to lead project.
    4. MegaScrub: Revisited location, volunteering opportunities, money, 5/18/24.
    5. Homeowner resource: Discussed informational resource Home Program, focuses on giving back to the community, neighborhood resources, informative direction re older homes in the neighborhood, DIY.
    6. Beaverdale Park Committee: Craig V. to assume Dave’s current role in committee.
  3. Presentations – Legislative Candidates House District 34
    1. Samy El-Baroudi
    2. John Campbell.
  • Meeting adjourned at 8:23 p.m.

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