BNA Board Minutes 7-6-23

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Thursday, August 10, 2023

Board of Directors Minutes

July 6, 2023

Location: Fishman Law Firm


  1. Call to Order at 7:00 pm – Marcus Coenen
  2. Board Attendance:
    1. Officers: President Marcus Coenen, Vice President Dave Busiek, Treasurer Jay Cox-Kozel,
    2. Board: Eddie Fishman, Kylie Spies, Adam Plagge, Chris Friest, Therese Herold, Derek Self
  3. Approval of Agenda: Approved
  4. June meeting minutes: Approved
  5. Treasurer’s Report and monthly financials: Approved
  6. Public Comment: Member Tom LaPointe urged the board to adopt a statement similar to the Lower Beaver Neighborhood Association regarding Ward 1 city councilmember Indira Sheumaker
  7. Board member attendance and retention
    1. Derek Self apologized for missing meetings and said he will be more intentional moving forward. The board voted unanimously to retain Self as a board member
    2. Board member Francis Boggus has not attended any meetings. VP Busiek will reach out to Boggus to determine his intent
  8. Request for traffic calming study on Sheridan Avenue between 30th and 34th Streets: Approved
  9. Ward 1 Representation
    1. Plagge moved that the board ask the city council to remove Sheumaker due to lack of attendance at any meeting since March 6, 2023. Motion defeated.
    2. Plagge moved with Kozel seconding a motion asking BNA officers to draft a letter communicated by phone and email to councilmember Sheumaker requesting she tell us when she intends to return to council duties and notifying her BNA intends to deliver a statement at the July 17th city council meeting should she fail to respond or attend that meeting.  Motion carried 8-0-1 with Self abstaining.
    3. Plagge moved BNA write a letter to the Polk County Board of Supervisors asking the board to begin removal proceedings against Sheumaker. Motion failed 0-7-1 with Self abstaining.
  10. Other business
    1. A membership campaign will begin offering three $75 gift certificates to local restaurants to all new members and expired members who renew. Campaign runs through October 31st with drawing at the November quarterly meeting. Notification will go out by email, Facebook and website
    2. Member survey is ready to be sent out
  11. Meeting adjourned at 8:20 pm.

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