BNA Board Minutes 9-5-24

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Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Board of Directors Minutes

September 5, 2024

Location: Fishman Law Firm


In attendance:

Officers: President Dave Busiek, Vice President Nick Mertes, Treasurer Jay Cox-Kozel, Secretary Craig VandeVenter

Board: Eddie Fishman, Chris Friest, Therese Herold, Jesse Coleman, Karla Rangel, Josh Nelson, Kylie Spies

Guests: Darlene Ackley-Raymond (Resident)


  1. Call to Order at 7:00 p.m. – Dave
  2. Approval of Agenda: Motion carried – Dave
  • Approval of June meeting minutes: Motion carried – Dave
  1. Treasurer’s Report and monthly financials – Jay
    1. Reviewed and approval of July financials: Motion carried.
    2. August and September financials to be discussed and reviewed during October board meeting.
  2. Public Comment
    1. Darlene Ackley-Raymond – Dave
      1. Expressed concerns regarding parking and towing of vehicles in and around the business district, specifically within Beaverdale Place Neighborhood Center.
      2. Suggested increasing the number and size of signage advising of towing restrictions and procedures for those parking vehicles in the Beaverdale Place Neighborhood Center.
    2. Bluegrass Festival Recap – Eddie
      1. Discussed final financials and proceeds from event.
      2. Discussed establishing restricted funds account for use in planning 2025 event during budget year for 2024, and for future calendar years. Motion carried.
      3. Discussed possibility of rescheduling event in 2025 to better align with grant funding deadlines.
  • Beaverdale Park Committee Update – Craig
    1. Discussed progress of redesigning the park, playground, and surrounding landscape.
    2. Discussed preliminary funding needs for signature playground.
    3. Discussed collaborative social media campaigns/effort with BNA’s social media channels.
  • BOOverdale Event Update – Therese
    1. Discussed finalized event details and community business involvement:
      1. Event scheduled for 10/24/2024 from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
    2. Discussed collaboration with Holy Trinity during Trunk n’ Treat event.
  1. BNA Scholarship – Craig and Jesse
    1. Status report tabled, still working to finalize proceeds from tips and donations during Bluegrass Festival.
  2. Other Business
    1. Future Board Meeting Location – Dave
      1. Discussed future board meeting location:
        1. Tabled to collaborate and generate possible meeting locations.
      2. Board Member Opening – Dave
        1. Discussed future board member openings:
          1. Tabled to collaborate and generate possible appointees.
        2. Public Affairs – Josh
          1. National Night Out:
            1. Discussed event attendance and booming success:
              1. The most successful event in history of NNO.
            2. Website:
              1. Status report tabled.
              2. Discussed redesigning printed BNA materials for membership tent and table.
            3. Fall Festival Update – Dave
              1. Discussed and revisited need for volunteers for BNA membership tent at event.
            4. Strategic Planning – Dave
              1. Discussed planning strategic planning session to further analyze data cultivated from neighborhood survey and data walk:
                1. Strategic planning to take place during Board’s Annual Meeting in December.
              2. Holiday Happenings – Dave, Jay, Jesse
                1. Discussed reinvigorating and revising activities for event from prior years.
                2. Event scheduled for December 7, 2024.
              3. Next Quarterly Resident Meeting: Northwest Community Center on 11/7/2024, at 7:00 p.m.:
                1. November Board Meeting rescheduled for 11/7/2024 at 6:00 p.m., at Northwest Community Center prior to Quarterly Resident Meeting.
              4. Meeting adjourned at 8:13 p.m.

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