Information meeting set on 41st and Beaver redesign - Beaverdale Neighborhood Association

Information meeting set on 41st and Beaver redesign

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Friday, February 7, 2025

The city of Des Moines has scheduled an informational Zoom meeting to update residents on the planned reconstruction of the intersection of 41st Street and Beaver Avenue. 

A letter from the city engineering department says the meeting is scheduled Monday, March 3rd at 6:00 pm. Here's the link for the Zoom call.

Construction on the half-million dollar project is scheduled to start this spring, weather permitting.

Here's what the redesigned intersection will look like:

The intersection has long been a dangerous one because of awkward sight lines and northbound motorists having to guess whether southbound vehicles will continue south on 41st Street or veer left on the Beaver Avenue curve.

A detour will be set up during construction:

Here's the full text of the engineering department letter:

February 6, 2025
RE: 41st Street and Beaver Avenue Intersection Improvements
Activity ID: 06-2023-003
Dear Resident:
On December 9, 2024, the City of Des Moines City Council approved the award of the 41st Street and Beaver
Avenue Intersection Improvements project to InRoads Paving, LLC for $545,975.50. This project includes the
realignment of 41st Street from Northwest Drive to Beaver Avenue to improve the safety of the intersection at 41st
Street and Beaver Avenue. The realignment will allow for 41st Street to intersect Beaver Avenue more
perpendicular, eliminating the existing skewed alignment of the intersection which creates confusion for drivers.
This proposed improvement follows the recommendations of a traffic study completed in 2018 which evaluated
ways to improve the traffic flow and safety of the intersection.
The Contractor has indicated they tentatively plan to start construction this Spring, weather dependent. When a
definitive start date is provided by the Contractor, additional notice will be provided prior to work starting.
Construction of this project is scheduled to be complete by Fall of 2025.
In advance of construction commencing, the City of Des Moines Engineering Department will be holding a Public
Informational Meeting for the project on Monday, March 3rd. The meeting will consist of a short presentation
including maps and exhibits of the proposed project and anticipated construction staging, as well as an open
question and answer time. Representatives from the City and Design team will be available during this meeting to
discuss the project in further detail and gather any input you may wish to share. This informational meeting will
be held virtually through the Zoom online meeting platform. The time and participation details are below:
When: Monday, March 3, 2025 at 6:00 pm
Join Zoom Meeting:
During construction, 41st Street will be closed to thru traffic with a signed detour route directing traffic to utilize
48th Street from Forest Avenue to Franklin Avenue. Beaver Avenue will also need to be closed for approximately
2-days near the end of construction, during which time traffic will also be detoured to 48th Street. Mail and
trash/recycling collection services will be continued during construction. The contractor will be coordinating with
individual property owners when driveways may be closed for replacement. At times driveways may be
temporarily rocked with granular surfacing to provide access.
Thank you for your cooperation and understanding as we move forward with this important project.
If you have any questions regarding the project, please contact me at 283-4076 or
Matt Radermacher, P.E.
Project Engineer

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