Infrastructure improvements underway in Beaverdale

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Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Multiple infrastructure improvements are planned or underway in Beaverdale.

Urbandale Avenue near the Beaver Tap, looking east

The Des Moines city council Monday night approved $300,000 to resurface Urbandale Avenue from 34th Street to Beaver Avenue. The pavement on that stretch is badly deteriorated in spots with multiple potholes being patched over, resulting in a rough ride for motorists. Council approved requesting bids to do the work in the 2024-2025 fiscal year, so it's not yet clear if the resurfacing would happen this year or next.

Fagen Drive's new sidewalk, looking east

The city also has been adding a new sidewalk on Fagen Drive between 38th Street and Beaver Avenue.  Previously, about half of the stretch had a sidewalk on the south side of the street and about half on the north side. Crews in recent weeks have extended the sidewalk on the southsidea of Fagen, making for a continuous stretch. The new sidewalk is safer for all pedestrians, especially children walking to and from Holy Trinity School.

Google Fiber crew burying fiber optic cable near 38th Street and Urbandale Avenue

Another new addition to the neighborhood is installation of Google Fiber for high-speed internet access. Crews under contract with Google Fiber have been installing fiber lines underground and putting connection boxes in residents' yards. Another fiber internet company, MetroNet, has much of Beaverdale finished now, giving residents more options to go along with Mediacom and Century Link. 

Colorful flags dot many neighborhood streets as crews marked the location of underground gas, water and electric lines so that the Google Fiber crews avoid existing buried utilities.

Last but not least, members of the BNA's Beautification Committee have been out planting flowers around the neighborhood. Here's a picture of volunteers planting marigolds and zinnias at the base of the Ashby Park sign last Satiurday. The crew also planted flowers at Beaverdale and Riley Parks. Thanks to committee chair Nancy Dunbar and her helpful volunteers!

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