Join us for Beaverdale's Big Event on (or leading up to) the Morning of June 8th

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Monday, May 6, 2024

The Beaverdale Neighborhood Association is hosting a one-of-a-kind service event starting in May and lasting into June. The Beaverdale Big Event provides opportunities for residents and businesses to work together and give back. It starts with donation opportunities beginning on May 18th and culminates with a day of volunteer activities on the morning of June 8th. In total, there are eight different opportunities to give back.


Donation Drives

Starting May 18th and lasting until June 10th, businesses around Beaverdale are hosting bins and accepting donations for hygiene products, canned food, clothing, and pet food. The pet food donations go to the Pet Project Midwest and the other items will be donated to Families Forward. Specific locations can be found on the Beaverdale Big Event website :


Day of Service 


On the morning of June 8th, businesses around Beaverdale are sponsoring service opportunities. There are three volunteer opportunities and one more opportunity to donate. Volunteering activities will take place at Franklin Avenue Library, Moore Elementary, and along the Inter-Urban Trail. Volunteers who take part in the day of service will get special benefits including discounts at Beaverdale businesses.  For more details on the Beaverdale Big Event and to find ways to give back, visit:

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