Public Affairs Committee minutes 11-20-24
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In Attendance
Bill Gray, Brent Millis, Isaac Lafleur, Kevin Moser, Mike McCarthy, Sasha Kamper, Heidi Bagg, Linda Johnson
Items Discussed
- Holiday Happenings?
- Union Park Contractors Fair – Feb 27
- Booverdale debrief
- BNA Quarterly meeting debrief
- (If I could have someone volunteer to lead these two conversations I would be grateful as I wasn't able to make these because of my wedding)
- Public Affairs Budget 2025
- The year ahead - 2025
- Membership
- Easter Egg Hunt
- Big Event
- December Meeting - Another holiday get-together?
Holiday Happenings –
Isaac asked the extend to PA’s involvement/leadership in this. Explained that certain board members likely lead this event. To ask Jay and Dave about dates, messaging, Instagram for it.
Union Park Contractors Fair – Feb 27
Discussed with members the origination of the event and where it is at today. James Riley and Jack Daughtery, the co-chair and chair of Union Park Neighborhood Association, respectively, are the driving forces for Union Park. Don and Josh have taken the lead on the Beaverdale side, met with them and started planning. Ding Darling shelter reserved for Feb 27. Union Park reps coordinating with Invest DSM, DSM Block Grant, NFC, and also doing floor plan.
Main task for PA is to coordinate with contractors it sounds like. Sasha will
- Put in Sidewalk
- Blurb on website
- Facebook post
Josh, Kevin, or Isaac to
- Make Instagram post
- Reach out to Don, have old list of all contractors from ~2 years ago?
To talk to Don/Josh to make sure not missing anything
Booverdale debrief
Officially taken over by PA next year
Still to receive specific notes and instructions/contacts from Therese Herold
Event went super well, easy and ran mainly by businesses when it starts
Need 3-5 PA volunteers next year to ensure road crossing/answer parent questions, talk about costume contest etc, but for street crossings the lights work pretty well, not as involved as NNO
Suggested adding budget line item for Booverdale - $400 for gifts cards of local businesses for winners of costume contest
Heidi Bagg, Linda Johnson, from the Public Relations Committee at Vintage Co-op of Beaverdale expressed a general interest from residents in their Co-op to get more involved in the neighborhood. Booverdale and Easter Egg Hunt would be perfect events. Brent Millis reached out to Heidi with more information. Ideas were suggested for next year involving Co-op members, apple bobbing, judges for costume contest.
A point was also brought by Bill about where the money for the gift cards comes from. Could the businesses donate gift cards to their own businesses, and we create prize baskets for the winners? How to get them involved?
Need to add Booverdale to the insurance policy rider. Talk to Mike K.
BNA Quarterly meeting debrief
Went well, good speaker, and people really liked pizza. Will continue to do pizza moving forward. 2 meats and possibly one veggie going forward should be enough. Can switch vendors – Parlor, Micahel’s, Christophers, Dam Pub?
Public Affairs Budget 2025
Need to request to add line for Booverdale next year - $400
The year ahead – 2025
This area of conversation was reserved for items members wanted to discuss at some point in 2025
Isaac talked on more conformity on Instagram, increased level of posting in order to get more followers. Future possibility of Canva and scheduled posting tools will help with this in the future.
- Membership
- Waiting for new main website, the portal being the hardest component, to implement autorenewal memberships. Would be nice if we did a membership drive after autorenewal was implemented. Discussed the switch to online/autorenewal and how this will impact older members used to paying by check/mail. There will need to be a transition. Idea was brought up to offer a pint glass or other item with a (uniformed marketing) logo that can be annual gifts to members as a sweetener.
- Easter Egg Hunt
- Big Event
Kevin will be relying on others to communicate with businesses more this year. Could get more involvement in the food drive for businesses as it was very successful last year, will probably keep it to 3 volunteer events with the same businesses sponsoring if they want and Rooted to do a food drive yoga drive.
Other items discussed:
Co-op residents volunteering with events, especially Booverdale and Easter Egg Hunt
Updates to Beaverdale residents from the Parks Committee on progress on the park
Picture of the full board for Sidewalk so residents know faces
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