Public Affairs Committee minutes 5-15-24

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Saturday, May 25, 2024

In Attendance

Don Piper, Isaac Lafleur, Bill Gray, Sasha Kamper, Brent Millis, Cindy Smith, Kevin Moser, Josh Nelson

Items Discussed

· Instagram Update

· Beaverdale Big Event/Trail Cleanup (May and June)

· Mega SCRUB 5/18/2024 7AM-1PM

· National Night Out 8/6/2024 6-8 PM


Instagram Account

A new account was created in Instagram (thank you Josh). If you search for beaverdalebna in Instagram, you can follow. As of 5/24 there are 52 followers and 5 posts.

Beaverdale Big Event/Trail Cleanup

Kevin Moser provided an update on Beaverdale Big Event. There are a lot of volunteer opportunities for this event. Details can be found at Kevin provided flyers and they have been distributed to local businesses.


The City of Des Moines has annual SCRUB (Spring Cleanup to Reduce Urban Blight) dates and we always help with the one at Polk County River Place (2309 Euclid Ave). The date for that SCRUB was May 18th. Beaverdale Neighborhood Association once again. There were a few hick-ups and Jeremy Geerdes (President of Lower BNA) has set up a “debriefing” meeting for Wed May 29th at 7 PM. Jeremy forgot to indicate where the meeting will be so he will send an updated email with those details.

National Night Out

This year’s NNO will be Aug 8th from 6-8 PM. Brent Millis has reached out to the City of Des Moines to see if this event would be impacted this year with the planned work at the 41st/Beaver intersection. That work will not impact us this year but will in 2025. We will plan to use the same location this year but may need to use another location in Aug 2025.

Snookies and Price Chopper have been contacted and are onboard. Isiserettes are available and Brent asked them to provide proof of insurance and an invoice.

Don Piper shared last year’s assignments spreadsheet via Google docs. Don will reassign some of the tasks to include newer Public Affairs committee members.

The June Public Affairs meeting will be June 19th from 5:30-6:30 PM. Restaurant still TBD.

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