Public Affairs Committee minutes 7-17-24

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Tuesday, July 23, 2024

In Attendance

Don Piper, Isaac Lafleur, Bill Gray, Sasha Kamper, Brent Millis, Cindy Smith, Hollie Smith, Francis Bogus

Items Discussed

· BNA QM 8/1/2024 7-8 PM

· National Night Out 8/6/2024 6-8 PM

· Other events…


Quarterly Meeting

The agenda for our next QM is complete. Don may not be in town on Aug 1st and Cindy Smith indicated she will purchase snacks for this meeting. The agenda has been sent to all parties. During committee updates we need someone to promote National Night Out and perhaps a recap of The Big Event.

National Night Out

We walked through the “assignment spreadsheet” to insure nothing is outstanding. We are in good shape. Hollie Smith offered to reach out to MST again to see if we can use their front parking lot for the Isiserettes. If that is unavailable, we will use Westminster’ north parking lot. We discussed volunteer needs and currently have these folks down:

Kevin Moser – photographer

Brent Millis – Barricade patrol

Francis Bogus, Dave Busiek, Laura Busiek, Isaac Lafleur, Cindy Smith, Hollie Smith – Crossing guards

Sasha Kamper – VIP assistance

Other items

After NNO, we do not have any items scheduled this year. We chatted about what’s next. We decided to table the Contractor’s Fair again for this year. We did discuss a need to have a BNA Business Committee to have a better rapport with Beaverdale businesses. Cindy Smith generated a list of Beaverdale businesses and contacts from membership details. Don Piper will reach out to Jay Kozel and Chris Friest (Board members) to get their thoughts on such a committee.


The August 21st Public Affairs meeting will be from 5:30-6:30 PM. Restaurant still TBD.

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