Tower construction begins behind Acanthus Lodge

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Monday, February 24, 2025

Construction has begun on a cellphone tower in the parking lot behind Acanthus Lodge and adjacent to Holy Trinity school.

A North Carolina tower construction company is building the 155-foot tall monopole, and intends to initially lease anetnna space to T-Mobile. There will be room for two other cellphone companies at the top of the tower.

The gray, metal pole was erected on Monday, February 24th. Cellphone antennas have not yet been installed.

Eventually, a privacy fence will enclose the base of the tower and the transmitter equipment on the ground.

Operators of Acantus Lodge at 4133 Urbandale Avenue told neighbors at a meeting last April the income from leasing the space to the tower company will provide needed revenue. Acanthus trustee Dave Beard said, "We plan to be here a long time. This is a way to keep our doors open."

Construction was originally scheduled to begin in July of last year but was delayed because city planners asked the tower company to investigate whether the tower could be moved closer to the rear of the lodge, so the building would serve as more of a visual screen to the tower base and its accompanying equipment. But that plan did not work out.

One resident at the meeting addressed what he called "the elephant in the room" - that Beaverdale is one of the best neighborhoods in the city and that the proposed cellphone tower will be a "giant eyesore" in the heart of Beaverdale.

A similar tower about a half-mile north, located behind the VFW state office at 3601 Beaver Avenue is full with three cellphone carriers and it cannot hold anymore.

Construction is expected to last about 45 days.

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