Urbandale-Leado Preliminary Concept

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Wednesday, July 29, 2020

In response to a crash that occurred at 3219 Leado Avenue on January 1, 2020, the Beaverdale Neighborhood Association and Councilmember Gray requested that City staff review Urbandale Avenue/Leado Avenue in the area 34th Street.

A review of crash data for the past five years (2015-2019) was done in the vicinity of the most recent crashes. Five crashes have occurred in this vicinity, including the reported crash occurring on January 1, 2020. Four of the five crashes were attributed to reckless driving and/or excessive speeds.
Urbandale Avenue does not meet the eligibility requirements for the City’s Traffic Calming Policy.
However, sidewalk is proposed along the west side of 34th Street between Holcomb Avenue and Adams Avenue which will provide a connection to DART Route 14, connection to the Inter Urban Trail and Beaverdale Park, and a continuous sidewalk along a long stretch of 34th Street. City staff believe the proposed sidewalk construction along 34th Street, including at Urbandale Avenue, presents an opportunity to consider geometric improvements on Urbandale Avenue/Leado Avenue at 34th Street.
City staff have developed the attached concept for geometric improvements to Urbandale Avenue/Leado Avenue at 34th Street. The benefits of the proposed concept include:
  • Eastbound traffic on Urbandale Avenue are transitioned from a median-separated roadway to a two lane roadway prior to the intersection of 34th Street (instead of current situation of transitioning in the intersection) to alleviate the concern for vehicles running off the roadway.
  • Urbandale Avenue / Leado Avenue roadway alignment curve is more defined to alleviate the concern for vehicles running off the roadway.
  • Crossing distance for pedestrians is greatly reduced.
If this improvement is something that City and Neighborhood Leadership want to consider, City staff can put in a funding request and request that this is an improvement that can be completed with a sidewalk project along 34th Street as early as Fiscal Year 2022 if funding permits.



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