Woodland enhancement underway in Beaverdale Park

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Thursday, March 13, 2025

A woodland enhancement project is underway this spring in parts of Beaverdale Park.

View of the woodland, looking west from the bottom of the hill on 30th Street

The park, located at 34th Street and Adams Avenue, is much larger than the playground and field seen from Adams Avenue. A much larger swath of land to the north and east is heavily wooded and little used.

This spring, heavy equipment has moved in to begin removing invasive plant species such as woody shrubs and plants. Selected trees are also being removed based on their health and in an effort to thin the canopy.

The goal is to provide a healthier woodland and to provide a more inviting area for public use, with clear sightlines to nearby roads and the Interurban Trail. 

Funding for the woodland restoration was provided by a grant from the Iowa Department of Natural Resources, which Des Moines Parks and Recreation applied for. Work is expected to be completed in late spring or early summer.

This is just the first of many steps in the process to update Beaverdale Park. The city has completed a master plan, which can be viewed here. There will be a fundraising campaign to pay for new playground equipment. The city council will need to approve funding for other park improvements, such as construction of an enclosed park shelter.

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